Thursday, August 23, 2007

Hello! Let's keep in touch! We've started this blog as part of a class. Might be interesting.


Mac said...

Hello, Sara! I like blogging with you and sharing the class with you.

colletje said...

Hi Sara, this is new to me

~C said...

How was your summer?

MsCrimmins said...

Hi, Sara! I wonder if there are any blogs that let commenters (commentors?) include visuals with their messages.


It would be interesting to see how a blog's tone changes as the year progresses. I'm thinking that I ,for one, might not be so chipper come March!

Mac said...

Working together would be awesome. Let's actually do it! There are many possibilities. First of all my classes run each day from 9 to 1:50, so I don't have any 7:30 classes. Therefore, all my classes meet when you are in session. Shall we do a creative writing piece or create children's books or have our students share how they self assess OR we could do a Big6 project together!!!

Mrs. Burns said...

Sara, Blogs are a great way to keep in touch with a group. Thanks for your enthusiasm in class and for showing us how applicable what we are discussing is to our little learners.